Sunday, May 9, 2010

A Change Of Seasons Part Deux

Hello again. A few days ago (or maybe weeks,days are getting fuzzy),I had made a post called A Change Of Seasons. I remember it very well today. But right now,I'm writing this post due to the same inspiration as the one for my first post-the very same movie called Rithu. I had the chance to watch the whole movie all over again,and as I was watching and re-analysing the story, a new thought came to me. I remember that I had written that we should change like the seasons,and that forgetting is the key to change. I had written that I,and almost anybody else,should welcome a change. Well, here I am with another thought. But to tell you what I have in mind, I'll have to go a little into the main character of the movie.

His name is Sarath. He is a software engineer, who has a passion for writing. Due to some circumstances, he had to leave Kerala for USA. But eventually, he returned after three long years. To him, his friends were dearest. He claimed that the main reason for his return was to be with his friends again. But towards the end of the movie, as he faced betrayal, he understood that his friends were not the same people that he had left behind three years ago. He knew they had changed, but he hadn't. This left him heartbroken, but then, he took his life-changing decision to be like the seasons,and change,because people also changed.

Now,coming back to my thoughts. Sarath had to change because he saw that those dear to him,those he wished wouldn't change, had changed. Circumstances forced him to change with the seasons. So,here comes the question that has been in my mind for so long. Is changing the only good outcome? Is it always good to change with the seasons? Or is it good to be who you were? For some,a change is necessary,but for some,maybe a change is bad.

The thought of a tree came into my mind. A big, tall, and old tree, with its bark looking like the skin of a leper (originally this idea was expressed by the poet Gieve Patel,but its beautiful,so I put it here,no plagiarism intended). It sheds its leaves during Autumn, remains barren in winter, starts blooming in spring, and shines in summer's heat. But, other than these physical changes, does any other change affect the tree? If we change, will the tree change its normal routine? It will still do as it always does. Maybe this is also good in some cases. Imagine if every little change plagued us to change. Wouldn't we be torn into pieces? So, my leaving thought is this-decide when to change and when not to,and choose what change changes you. For me,I want to change,I want to be positive and happy. But recently, I realized that being really happy makes me miserable. I realized that feeling negative and upset actually keeps me from losing my frame of logic. This is my Novocaine,my cigarette,my alcohol,my cocaine. It keeps me going.Yet,everyone wants me to change and be more happy. They want me to cherish happiness.Will I change? Well,I certainly do not want to change, but at the same time,I do not want my being me to change others.So,when the time comes,I'll decide,and I know it won't be an easy choice.But every time I need to decide about a change,I'll think of this movie,of the tree,and of this post...........................................

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