Friday, July 9, 2010

The Lone Butterfly

Okay dear reader,this is another one of my poems.I was inspired to write this only today morning,early morning to be exact.I woke up,and I found a butterfly lying dead just beside me on my bed.I was touched by this,I couldn't stop thinking about it,and hence,I wrote my thoughts in the form of this poem.If it's not scientifically accurate,please forgive me,I just wrote what was in my mind.And finally,enjoy,and please do give me the feedback!!!

I was born a weakling,
A small, green and crawling thing,
My mother gave me honey,
For in my world, it is as good as money.

I learnt to crawl the day I was born,
I had no siblings to look with love or scorn,
In the world so big, I heard my mother sing,
I also wondered who was the king.

I woke up the next day to find my mother asleep,
She wouldn't wake up, I knew I couldn't keep
My calm, my smile; I was alone,
And fear rippled through my bones.

I wandered in the big and cruel world,
All night, I would lay by myself curled,
But one day, I was locked in a prison,
Unable to see the sun, beautifully crimson.

In my prison, I gave thought,
To all the reasons, to why everyone fought,
I thought of my mother who had died,
And all the time, I wondered why I didn't cry.

I thought of my reflection from a river,
An image that made me shiver,
I thought about how I had looked,
Something small, green and crooked.

Before I knew it, blinding light came through,
As I fell from my prison, I flew,
And now from a great height I could see,
The same world, which yesterday I saw, on my knees.

I went to the same river from where I saw,
My reflection and thought myself flawed,
But from what I saw then, I was in doubt,
Whether it was my mother's reflection that I had found.

I had wings filled with dots,
And my mind was filled with thoughts,
I flew again in the air,
My joy I only wanted to share.

Many like me I met on the way,
We had so many things to say,
We drank the nectar sweeter than bliss,
And with our lips, the river water we kissed.

Later in the evening, I started feeling weak,
So I decided to go back and sleep,
Little did I know the sleep would be my last,
Before I leave and forget the past.

I sat down by a rock, my wings refused to move,
A whisper told me I had reached my tomb,
I thought of my very short life,
One with sorrow, retrospect, joy and strife.

I took my last few breaths in peace,
I refused to allow any thoughts to crease,
I said to the large world my last goodbye,
And died a lone butterfly.......

So,how was it?I know,its mostly stupid,but like I said before,what the hell,this is my blog!!!Thanks for reading this,dear reader.Have a good night :)

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully written... i coulde actually imagine whatever u wrote... one of the best i have come across till date...


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