Thursday, April 29, 2010


Today, I woke up, and I felt different. I did not know what the different thing was. One thing was sure, I was really happy because my mother agreed to buy me a PS3. After a lot of personal argument, debate, and conflict, I had said yes to my mom for getting the PS3. Before, I would have felt guilty for even the smallest extravagance in spending, but recently, I, along with the help of my friends, convinced myself that its okay to buy a PS3. I mean, you get to enjoy life only during these years right? Plus, if I remain modest, then there will be no problem or guilt. Today also, I met kacka, whom I mentioned in a previous post. Today too, he blessed me, and said I would never be sad (I know that won't come true :p) and for some reason, I felt good, rather than all depressed on seeing his tattered clothes. Today, I also felt an almost alien feeling- courage. I felt strong and brave. All these days, I have been worrying about the future. Would I have a good well earning job? Will I be able to take care of my parents? Would I get a loving wife? Would I be a good parent? I thought of all these unnecessary and crazy crap, and today, for a strange and unknown reason, I wasn't unsure or afraid. I somehow convinced myself, that life would take its course. So, after a long time of self imposed misery and exile, I've woken up. I now feel happier than ever. Yet, a strange nagging feeling that I'm happy now because there's misery ahead is there on my mind, but I'm determined to be happy, atleast for a few days. Many of my close friends have begun to get sick of my always being negative and depressed, and its time for me to change.

I wrote in a post before, that like seasons change, we should also change. Well, I plan on changing, for the better. I will be a more cheerful person, a better person. I will forever remember this day, as the day I woke up from my dreaming.


  1. Achyuth, u must understand that what we think is what we ultimately end up as .And aboutthe gadgets, well , you deserve em and as long as you dont go to show off with it, you'll be fine .(i knw u wnt ) .See, the world is filled with a lot of unfortunate people as u have seen .I know how sad it makes you bro.As i said on the phone, strive hard to get the best job of ur interest.And then , you can donate for the poor and needy , till then , you can set aside these poignant thoughts and move on with your life .Im saying this cuz it pains me to see u in this dilemma .And after every time u write a blog, be happy about it and always be cheerful bro .You'll do gr8 .Ill be reading ur future posts ...keep em coming :)

  2. thanks a million bro for taking the time to write this!!!


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