Friday, April 23, 2010

A change of seasons

Its been a while since my previous post. After all, I do need something to motivate me to think and write. This post is in fact, motivated by a movie (again!!). It had some circumstances, and some realities, as well as some really haunting dialogues, which ring true. One in particular was something like this: "Memories are the worst thing in one's life, they do not let you move on, they keep you glued to the past, they prevent you from forgiving, they prevent you from changing." If you are a regular reader, you might have understood by now, that I'm a depressing guy to be with.In fact, when I see or hear stuff like the dialogue I mentioned above, I tend to think lots of things (too much for someone my age, so people have told me).
Memories, dear or not dear, vague or clear, do keep us glued to the past. Many times, I've tried to forget my bad deeds, and I've tried to move on. Even the good things, good memories, I wouldn't mind forgetting. I just imagine how it would be to wipe the slate clean, forget all our past deeds. It may be like being reborn, it will be a second chance at things, wouldn't it? Nature's beauty is overly expressive here. Season's change every year, without a single disruption, forgetting the past, doing its duty without letting the past affect it. Can we also change and move on, like the seasons? Or, will we just remember the past seasons under the sun, and forget to look at the beauty of the present season? Seasons change, do we? Can we?
Maybe forgetting may not be a good thing for many, you wouldn't want to forget the time of your favourite TV show, or your doctor's appointment, or your date with your loved one, but is it such a big sacrifice, if you are able to wake up the next day, peacefully, without any torments or guilt, or anger or sorrow? Wouldn't you give anything to smell things differently, see things differently, do things differently? Wouldn't you like to welcome a change, like the seasons? Wouldn't it be better to forget past sins and betrayals, not only of you, but also of your friends and family? Wouldn't it be nice, to see everybody in a new light, without any animosity? I know it would.
Would I, if given the choice, agree to erase my own memories, except the crucial ones, like who I am and all, just so that I feel a change, just so that I get a second chance at life, at understanding things? I don't know, and I'm not sure I will, but the idea is still wonderful, and maybe one day, if I get the choice, who knows, I may just say yes.


  1. Of course i want my slate clean!
    Hope i can be as white as snow before my creator when He comes on judgement Day

    So the advice of the day :


  2. thanks a lot buddy.nice advice!!!!

  3. well yeah i agree till some point...but well...chuck it :P

  4. if you comment here eva,i cant chuck it,so,say whats in your mind.


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