Saturday, March 13, 2010

The Hard Way

A memory is what made me write this post.
Three years ago,when I was studying in a school in Trivandrum,when I was in my seventh standard,it was a very sunny day,certainly not a day for the school to hold an outdoor assembly.They did hold an outdoor assembly under the searing sun,and my friends and I were complaining(that's what we did best!!).We were all made to stand according to our class divisions,in a single file,as speech after speech was made,but one speech in particular captured my interested.It was the respected and revered headmaster himself.His speech was about how the school stood for excellence and that kind of things,but one line which he said still stands clear in my mind.This is what he said:
"There are three kind of people in this world.Those who choose to take no challenges and want to lead life in an easy way will lead an easy,yet boring life.Those who take on challenges and face them bravely will lead a tough,yet satisfying life.Those who take on the impossible,will be remembered."
How true this is!!But I didn't get time to deeply think about the gravity of this statement until recently.Some of my own personal issues inspired some interesting...well...discoveries or rather deductions.I belong to a middle class family,who gives great emphasis to education.I am thankful that I do get good marks,but,a few months ago,I realised that although I may get good marks,I don't have a genuine interest in studies,somehow I don't feel happy or satisfied with what I do.For reasons unknown,my headmaster's speech came into my mind,and I let my mind wander.I thought of many great people,many films too,and I came to a conclusion.
My conclusion was that every person is given a particular talent which he or she is good at,but at the same time,he or she will have an innate desire to pursue his or her heart's desire,and there lies the challenge.My headmaster once said about those who take on the easy path and lead a boring life,and my view is,those who don't pursue their heart's desire,and instead,do what they are already good at,instead of doing what makes them happy,are taking the easy way.There are so many people,like the director Mani Ratnam,who have done their engineering and MBA and what not,yet pursued their dreams.They did what others thought they were good at,but in the end,they realised their heart's desires and worked toward it.I feel those are the people who actually lead a satisfying life.You may ask-"Where is the challenge in following your heart's desire by just changing your profession?".Well,the answer is,in today's society,where others freely give their opinion,and where society shun's people based on certain prejudices,it is indeed tough to do what your heart tells you to do.In my case,everyone wants me to do engineering,and then get a job,then do my masters,and life goes on and on.I on the other hand,want to attend film school,and then,maybe be an assistant to some director,so that I can learn the ropes,and maybe one day view my own work hit the silver screen.That is my heart's desire,because I know I will feel happy if I accomplish this,but my own family are preventing it.So,isn't it a challenge indeed to follow your heart's desire,take the tough way,and feel happy at the end of a hard day's work?This is the hard way,which my wise headmaster once spoke of,and the hard way doesn't mean just doing something physically difficult,but doing something which you feel is right,when others are against it,be it something as small as feeding stray dogs,or achieving your dreams.I hope to one day achieve my heart's goal of making a movie,and I just hope that when the time comes where I make my choice,I don't lose faith.I certainly hope you don't too!!


  1. Achyut, you can follow ur ideal, your basic degrees, Engineering,MBA or whatever...then go on follow ur drem.the engineering degree & MBA will help u focus and it will only help u develop as an individual. as a parent i can understand ur parent's wishes. even i feel that an educational qualification is very is something to fall back upon. even ur cricket stars Srikanth and Kumble are engineers.once u complete ur education, i am sure, ur parents won't mind ur pursuing a filmy career. THINK about it. think about the degree as a means to an end. complete them and move, Lalita Vaidyanathan

  2. thanks a lot lalita aunty,that is precisely what i am going to do!!i really appreciate you taking the time to comment here and help me out by giving me great advice,thanks a lot aunty!!!!!!!


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