Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Rusting Pandora's Box

There is a box which lies inside,
Where I put all the things I see and find,
It knows all the secrets of my heart,
If anyone wants to know me, its where they should start.

It hasn't been opened in a very long time,
Rust and dust have filled its sides,
Nobody wants to see what's in it,
So I alone open it from time to time to see if something more will fit.

If you are my friend or a girl I adore,
It would speak of many a lore,
Alas even those who I hold dear,
Do not find time to patiently hear.

I have a fear which grows within,
That soon it will be forever locked in,
So I desperately look everywhere,
To find someone who will really care.

Its almost the time where I give up hope,
For I feel I can no longer cope,
There is only so much this box can hold,
And soon, if not opened, it will overflow.

My only hope is to forget what's in there,
For I find that I'm the only one who cares,
But I still hope as I write this song,
That maybe, just maybe I'm not forlorn.

Into nothingness I was made,
Into nothingness I shall fade,
Before I fade I hope to leave a mark,
And throw away my rusting Pandora's box.


  1. Achyuth it is a wonderful poem and i am sure someone who is patient enough to read it through and understand it will cherish the words

    But the poem really underlines the fact that you sort of .... are desperate and want to throw away everything and go to

    Chill man chill what are friends for
    You can always talk to them and remember mate there is a person above us watching all he knows your troubles. You have a good heart and that is what matters most.

    But the song you uploaded....Its brilliant.

    Fill yourself with positive energy and see God working on you

    People please pray for the Haitians

  2. thanks a million titus are one of the best friends anyone can have.i dont want to throw everything away and go to eternity buddy,i just wanna live here,thats all.thanks a lot for thinking i have a good heart,and thanks for being a friend who patiently listens.thanks titus


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This work by Achyuth Sankar is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.